HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScript Engineering |
18 years |
- complete desktop browser and platform layout compliance (Internet Explorer 8 - 11, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Windows XP - 8.1, Mac OSX)
- expanding mobile touchscreen browser and testing devices (iOS 8 (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch), Android 4.1 - 4.4 (Samsung Galaxy S5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9)
- can write backwards compatible JavaScript, CSS and HTML to make Web pages fully A.D.A. (American’s with Disabilities Act) compliant
- can write jQuery syntax and implement DHTML DOM scripting visual effects
- can work within Facebook’s Developer app. in order to write and style Facebook app. interfaces and Fan Page Tab content
- can create interactive touchscreen visual effects using the new onTouchstart, onTouchmove and onTouchend touch event triggers to activate CSS3 animated @-keyframes sequences
- can conceptualize and develop custom parallax scroll-animating engines to create bleeding-edge and very popular visual effects triggered when the user scrolls
- familiar with MVC architectural patterns and can read/write AngularJS Web applications
Exploration, Documentation |
9 years |
- can investigate and find solutions to page content, style and behavior challenges
- able to write easy to understand best-practices/how-to documentation detailing the “what”, “why” and “how” of a front-end engineering technique
- can create fully commented HTML templates (with attached CSS and JavaScripts) of common layouts for junior engineers to quickly swap content into